Spring time everyone is itching to get outdoors, stretch out those legs, and soak up every drop of sunshine available! But Spring hiking can be tricky. Follow these tips to make sure you don’t run into any surprises along your way!

Hiking is a great way to get outdoors while also getting some physical exercise. After being cooped up all winter it is tempting to run out on the first day of real sunshine! However, if you're not prepared you might run into some trouble.
Tip #1. Wear Layers.
The spring time can be so fickle with its weather. Be prepared with lots of layers. We’re talking a jacket, vest, sweatshirt, long sleeve, and short sleeve. We usually start off quite chilly and warm up as we move, and as the sun comes out. We very rarely get past the long sleeve, so be prepared!
Tip #2. Prep for Wind.
Along with your layers, you want to make sure you’re prepared for a chilling wind. While the sun is warming up, the air is usually still very chilly and can provide quite the bite if you’re not ready. Make sure your neck is protected by either a scarf or your jacket, and that your ears are protected by a hat or ear band. We have found that if we just wear the hood of our jackets, the cold wind still makes its way to our ears. So make sure you have that extra protection.
Tip #3. Shoes!
The earth is unfreezing, snow is melting, and mud is everywhere. Make sure to wear shoes/boots that are not only comfortable for hiking, but also can endure a little mud. I made the mistake of getting white hiking shoes. Don’t ask me why I thought I could keep them white - but you can’t! The last thing you want to be worrying about is getting your shoes dirty. Wear shoes that are comfortable, supportive, and are okay to take a hit. This will enable you to not worry about the mud, but enjoy the spring air and the beauty of the new season.
Tip #4. Watch for Trail Closings.
Due to all of the melting, unfreezing, and mud - some trails can be closed off and inaccessible. Most parks are fairly good at marking off areas that are closed and letting you know in ample time to make other route decisions. We have run into a few flooded situations where we have to turn around. However, there are often other hikers looking for a path as well and it can be a great bonding experience!
Spring is a beautiful time of year, full of anticipation and wonder. Depending where you live spring hikes may look different for you. Maybe you need more layers, maybe you need less. Maybe trail closures happen for a different reason. We believe these tips transfer to many situations and we hope they help you get outdoors sooner this year!

Spring is a beautiful time of year, full of anticipation and wonder. Depending where you live spring hikes may look different for you. Maybe you need more layers, maybe you need less. Maybe trail closures happen for a different reason. We believe these tips transfer to many situations and we hope they help you get outdoors sooner this year!
Leave us your favorite tip for hiking below and also let us know your favorite thing about spring!