Road trips can be the most tedious part of a great adventure. Here are some tips to make the most of your time on the road!

We have had our fair share of horrible road trips full of traffic, construction, and crappy food, getting to our destination late resulting in dealing with large crowds or setting up camp in the dark. We've also had our share of amazing trips, full of great conversation, smooth sailing, and full stomachs. What made the difference? Keep reading and you'll find out.
We have had our fair share of horrible road trips full of traffic, construction, and crappy food, getting to our destination late resulting in dealing with large crowds or setting up camp in the dark.
We have 5 simple tips that will transform your road trip experience:
Tip #1 - Map it Out
Whether it’s on your phone or a real paper map, make sure you look up your route ahead of time. Check for traffic and delays. Nothing is worse than happening upon a ton of construction that could have easily been avoided. Trust us, we know! There are usually scenic routes and more direct routes. Which one are you in the mood for? Which one will serve you best at this time? Planning ahead makes a big difference, even if it’s just a few minutes before leaving the driveway.
Tip #2 - Plan the Attractions
As you’re planning your route, make note of any towns or attractions you want to stop at on the way. Are you a gas station stop only family? Or will you plan a picnic lunch and stop for ice cream mid trip? Either one is fine! Just plan it out. What will serve you best at this time for this trip?
Tip #3 - Speaking of Lunch
Whether we're eating in the car or stopping for a picnic, our favorite lunch for road trips is a charcuterie board. I know - sounds complicated, but it is actually so easy! All you have to do is pick out a few of your favorite cheeses, a pack of crackers, a summer sausage, and your favorite berries or fruit. We feel so great off of this lunch. We are energized and satisfied, but not weighed down.
We’ve done this on the road, (the driver will need assistance!), at parks on day trips, in between wineries to keep ourselves sober, and just when camping. You can also pack protein bars, popcorn, or your favorite chips to munch on. We don’t want any hangry travelers! We highly recommend this meal.
Tip #4 - Don't forget to Download
The perfect playlist can make all the difference when on the road. We recommend keeping a few playlist downloaded in case you lose signal throughout the trip. We also love listening to podcasts while on the road. To this day, our best conversations as a couple happen in the car and are usually inspired by the podcasts we listen to. Don’t miss this opportunity! 💕 Some of our favorites are: How I Built This, Crime Junkies, Market Place, Planet Money, Myths and Legends, and Car Talk. We also recently started listening to Ear Biscuits, and have been enjoying that.
Tip #5 - Be Spontaneous
I know I know, we are all about planning and being prepared! But we plan and prepare so that we have the wiggle room to enjoy spontaneity. If you see something on the side of the road that looks cool, and you have the time - stop and check it out! The first 4 steps are everything. If you lost time because you ran into construction because you didn’t check the route ahead, you’re not going to want to stop and enjoy ice cream at the cute mom and pop shop you saw on the side of the road because you'll already be tired and cranky. If you're hangry, you're going to stop for fast food and feel sluggish the rest of the day. If you feel sluggish, you won't want to climb that amazing sand dune you traveled so far to see. Following these simple tips creates a stress free environment on the road that creates space for the unknown and being spontaneous along the way.
Let us know you're favorite road trip rituals below in the comments!