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Winter Activities


Outdoor adventures can seem much less appealing in the winter for those of us who live in northern states! Here's some fun, easy, ideas to get you out in the fresh air even during those cold winter months.


Make a day of picking out your Christmas Tree! We love picking out our tree each year. While fake ones can be less of a hassle, there's nothing like driving to a farm, picking out your tree, and having your house smelling like pine for the holiday season. Pack some hot chocolate and take your time at the farm. Some farms even have petting zoos or sell hot chocolate. It's an experience you don't want to miss!

One of the easiest things to do to get outdoors in the wintertime is go walking in your local downtown. Many downtowns have a lot to offer and are great places to spend time outdoors. The cozy shops provide relief when you need a break from the cold. Their sidewalks are shoveled, if not heated, providing an easy walking route. Not to mention, there's plenty of options for hot cocoa! When we lived in Holland Michigan taking an evening walk downtown was a regular part of our routine, especially around Christmas time. Many shops close early in the winter, so make sure to go early evening if you are hoping to catch them. However, we walked often after many shops closed and still had a great time. We love looking at the festive window displays, holiday lights, and peering in to see the visitors at the warm bars with their sweaters and rosy cheeks. Day or night, this is a great activity to stretch your legs from hibernation.

Winter trails are another great way to get fresh air and exercise after being cooped up inside. Not every trail is made to be hiked in the winter. It may take some experience or trial and error (if you in West Michigan let me know and I can recommend some great ones for you!). Wear your winter gear - especially boots - and we recommend going to a trail you're familiar with. Whether it's a fresh fall of snow, or it's frozen and sparking, these winter trails provide a breathtaking setting to be in.

One of the trails we go to, called Pigeon Creek, also has Cross Country Skiing! Whether downhill or cross country, skiing is one of the most fun ways to get outdoors during the winter. If you go a few times it is pretty affordable. If you go a lot, a season pass is probably the way to go! There's also tubing, or just good old sledding at your neighborhood hill. Many towns also set up ice rinks for the season, providing another great option!

Many of these places also have lodges. Lodges add that warm cozy factor we all love. Part of being outdoors in the winter is the joy of coming back inside! If you're hosting a sledding party, holiday hike, or any outdoor activity with your friends or family, don't forget to have the hot cocoa ready! Who remembers playing outside for hours on end as a child? Coming in the house, shedding the wet clothes, and sitting down for a cup of cocoa with marshmallows on top? You could feel the heat travel down your throat, warming up your frozen body. As adults it's easy to forget the magic, but it will keep you young inside.

We also recommend renting a cozy cottage, or creating your own winter wonderland at your own house with everything cozy. Using hot tubs in the winter is so much fun, and you're outside! We know a few people with wood fired hot tubs! They create a great way to enjoy the outdoors - wear a hat if you're worried about catching a cold!

Go to the Lake! The last thing we recommend as a winter adventure is for those who live by water. In Michigan we are surrounded by the Great Lakes. Watching the lakes morph, change, and progress through the season is a site you don't want to miss. Walking out of the frozen water is amazing. While you want to be safe, this is something I've done for years. It is a beautiful way to appreciate ice, nature, and the power of winter.


We hope these ideas help everyone enjoy the outdoors this winter! It may not be as easy to get out as it is in the summer, but it is worth the effort! Find the activity you like the most and find a friend to share it with. Stay warm, everyone!


The Muñozes


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